Law Office of Jennifer McCoy

Debt Collection

Debt Collection

Don’t let bad debt be a burden on you or your business! If an individual or business has a debt with you, The Law Office of Jennifer McCoy will help you collect. Our collection strategies vary depending on the individual or company that owes you money, and we have several tools at our disposal – both formal and informal – to help collect the money you are owed:

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  • Letters/Phone Calls: We are often successful in collecting personal and commercial debts by sending demand letters and conducting targeted telephone campaigns.

  • Asset & Liability Investigation: The Law Office of Jennifer McCoy provides an in-depth look into your debtor’s financial background that may uncover valuable information used to perform successful debt recovery. Information such as open lines of credit, insufficient funds, liens, judgments, other vendors’ experience, hidden assets, or plans to sell can help determine how to proceed with the collection process. With this information, our debt collection staff can strategically make demands for payment, increasing the probability of successful business and personal debt collection.

  • We will assess whether your debt is collectible.

  • Determine how much can be collected.

  • Use every tool at our disposal, including garnishments, levies, and liens, to collect the balance due.

  • Focus on collecting it as quickly and cost-effectively as possible.

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